What People Say About Steve’s Speaking
Steve Sax Delivers
Steve Sax is one of the hottest motivational speakers on the scene today. He delivers stunning speeches that link the audience with solid take aways, including leadership, personal development, and team building skills.
Speaking Topics
Always by example. Drawing the distinction between talkers and doers. People will always follow the ultimate professional. Steve’s gripping personal testimony on leadership is one of the reasons he consistently receives standing ovations. There are many elements and styles of leadership-and Steve specifically targets this to his audience. Also, Steve draws from his extensive knowledge of American history, including the Civil War and early twentieth century.
It all starts with a big dream. Never underestimate the will and passion of the human spirit. The value of motivation transcends all boundaries. Always known as a gutsy and passionate player on the field, Steve brings this same dynamic motivation to the stage. Also, he is able to draw from his success on the baseball field and in the world of finance to link this ultra important tangible to his audience.
Team Building
Grasping the importance of winning as a unit. Selflessness, Integrity, and Never compromising core principles. One of these core principles is humility. Being the leader that exemplifies charting a course with a humble heart is the ultimate in putting others first and why your team will follow you.
Personal Development
Real life experiences dealing with overcoming a career on the verge of collapse. This is an example from Steve’s personal testimony as a professional athlete dealing with ridicule, self doubt, humility, and near collapse before a national viewing public. Sports are a mirror of life, and Steve directly links this enormous triumph to his audience and their personal everyday challenges.
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Steve’s Book
Shift, a motivational and inspirational book that outlines action steps to change your mindset and to become a success.
There is no such thing as overnight success. Those millionaires in a minute stories are a blip on the radar. True sustainable success—at work or at home—is a habit, as natural and unstoppable as inertia. It all starts with that person staring back at you in the mirror! Everyone has the tools within to impart positive change. Ultimately, success is a choice, a deliberate and methodical choice made every single day.
Watch or Download Media
Watch videos of Steve, view photos, download one sheets and read Steve’s letter from the white house and more.